Cooinda Benalla has over 150 experienced and dedicated staff from the local community. Our team works across the whole organisation in a variety of roles, with the aim to bring enjoyment, wellbeing and security to lives everyday.
Our senior management are qualified and experienced professionals who manage all aspects of Cooinda. This includes leadership, strategic development, care delivery, customer service and support, finance, people and culture management, publicity and marketing and infrastructure development.
You can meet us here
Cooinda’s clinical staff are caring and experienced. Continual training ensures we deliver excellence in individualised care across a range of needs.
Find out more about our people working in care roles here
Our Support staff are your first point of contact. Friendly and welcoming, we answer your questions or find the help you need.
Welcome, we are here to help
Cooinda relies on the governance of our Board. All of our board members are volunteers who donate their time, skills and experience to ensure Cooinda’s continued growth and strong community connections.
Find out more about becoming a Cooinda Board member or learn more about Cooinda’s Board here
Cooinda has over 30 active volunteers who provide valuable support to our staff in many ways. Volunteers perform a variety of roles that helping our team with daily tasks. These include meal times, activities and outings, operating our kiosk library trolleys and therapy for people living with dementia.
Find out more about volunteering at Cooinda here. Please call or email and our volunteer coordinator Jeanette will call for a chat.